My Academic Publications

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I spend almost all of my time right here at my desk, studying the New Testament in its many contexts.  On this page I give a sampling of my research interests. 

I have published an article on the history of women in philosophy and a few academic book reviews.  My revised dissertation ihas worked its way through Wipf and Stock, and was released in May 2014. I am planning several additional projects on topics related to my dissertation.

My Book
My dissertation, "Reading 1 Corinthians with Philosophically Educated Women," will be published in May 2014 by Wipf and Stock Publishers. A writing sample and description of the dissertation are available.

Academic Articles
“Women in Philosophy and the Agon Motif in 1 Corinthians 9.” Perspectives in Religious Studies 36.1.  For an approximation of the article, see Women and the Agon Motif -PRS-1.

“I. Howard Marshall’s use of 1 and 2 Corinthians in Kept by the Power of God,” a response to I. Howard Marshall’s book Kept by the Power of God: A Study of Perserverence and Falling Away. Eugene: Wipf and Stock, 2008 (previous editions: Paternoster Press, 2005, 1995; Bethany, 1975; Epworth, 1969).  Forthcoming in Testamentum Imperium, 2013.

Academic Book Reviews
Review.  Joynes & Rowland, eds., From the Margins 2: Women of the New Testament and Their Afterlives, in The Bible and Critical Theory 7, no. 1 (2011), 61-6.

Review. Marianne Bjelland Kartzow, Gossip and Gender: Othering of Speech in the Pastoral Epistles.  New York: Walter de Gruyer, 2009, in The Bible and Critical Theory 7, no. 1 (2011), 67-9.

Perkins, Pheme. Reading the New Testament: An Introduction. 3rd ed. Mahwah, N.J.: Paulist Press, 2012. [hard copy; 1st ed. 1978].

Sheppard, Beth M. The Craft of History and the Study of the New Testament. Society of Biblical Literature: Resources for Biblical Study 60. Atlanta, Ga.: Society of Biblical Literature, 2012.

Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland. Destabilizing the Margins: An Intersectional Approach to Early Christian Memory. Eugene, Oreg.: Pickwick Publications, 2012.

My Self-Published Books
Nathan Barnes, Charles Hodge (1797-1879): His Views on Darwinism and Slavery. Published by Smashwords in 2013.

Nathan Barnes, The Rise and Fall of El Sid. Proposal stage, 2015 (Fiction).